Sunday 15 April 2012

Lavender Brown - A tribute

Well, this is my completed art piece of Lavender Brown, my tribute to her.

I, as well as many other Potter fans, I'm sure, feel that Lavender survived her encounter with Fenrir.  I think Hermione shot him away from from her before he could do any harm:3  But the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 just shocked me...I honestly couldn't get over that image for weeks T.T.  But I have a reputation for being too soft so that was probably just me.

So, I wanted to create a tribute for Lavender because I felt she deserved it!  I think she's quite funny in the way she overreacts in the books and films and I think Jessie Cave definitely did the character justice :D.

I hope you enjoy!

EDIT: In her left hand, she's holding a Lavender stem :3

Lavender Brown © J. K. Rowling.
Art Piece © me, Ef Mourn.


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